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High Point Market Style Spotters return to in-person programming, celebrate 10th anniversary

High Point Market Style Spotters return to in-person programming, celebrate 10th anniversary

The High Point Market Style Spotters are gearing up for an active fall market, October 16-20, with the return of in-person programming and the celebration of the program’s tenth anniversary.

The full team of 2021 Style Spotters will be in High Point to act as the industry’s trend-setting guides, scouring the market’s buildings and showrooms to highlight the top new styles this fall. They will begin early, spotting 25 favorite products each, then adding their selections to curated digital galleries on the Style Spotters hub page,

Their selections will go live mid-market, but sneak peeks can usually be found on social media before then and tent cards will begin to appear alongside spotted product within showrooms as early as Friday, Oct. 15. An advanced preview highlighting a few picks the team members are excited to see at fall market is available at

Showrooms tours will be offered by the 8 team members Saturday through Tuesday of market. Rebranded as Hot Spot Tours, each Style Spotter will host a 60-minute tour through two of their favorite High Point showrooms. Advanced registration is required, as capacity is limited. Details and RSVP links are available at

The tour schedule is as follows:

Saturday, October 16

Departing from The Point at 9:30 a.m.

  • Keia McSwain – JDouglas and Global Views
  • Justin Shaulis – Cyrstorama and John-Richard

Sunday, October 17

Departing from The Point at 9:30 a.m.

  • Sara Malek Barney – CR Laine and Arteriors
  • Molly Kay Johns – Thibaut and Hinkley

Monday, October 18

See Also

Departing from The Point at 9:30 a.m.

  • Lauren Clement – Branch Home and Charleston Forge
  • Breegan Jane – Hooker Furniture and Phillips Collection

Tuesday, October 19

Departing from the IHFC Ballroom at 10:15 a.m.

  • Heather French – Codarus and Julian Chichester
  • Steve McKenzie – Oly and South + English

The breakfast event will also include the announcement of the 2022 Style Spotters before they take the reins in January. Additional details and an RSVP link are available for this attendee favorite at

Led by Style Spotters Advisors Shay Geyer and Gary Inman, the program is sponsored by Crypton, Inc. and Studio Designer. 

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